
final; a poem

Oktober 21, 2021


An amateur writer once,

Fell for you

She ain’t keep those proofs of your presence anymore

But you still live

In every unsent letters that she wrote

In between thoughts and attempts

To erase you clearly


You won’t ever read it

But they are easy to summarize

“I was so wrong

I’m sorry.”


“I saw moonlight today.”

“And I think about you less than yesterday.”

“By now, you must be more okay.”

"And I'm also, no longer astray."


Street lights at 6 pm

Brought her back to her old life

But deep down, she knew

She kept on repeated the same mistakes


“I wanna say until then,”

But maybe you’re just one of those parallel lines

“I didn’t mean to”

But sometimes, some words better to be left unsaid

Some love better to be enjoyed alone

Until it fades away, until it’s irrelevant



“This is maybe the least letter.”

“I finally find me.”


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